Episode 29 | Don't Feed The Terminator After Midnighthttp://www.hhp-podcast.com/2012/12/29-dont-feed-terminator-after-midnight.htmlIt's imperative that you listen to this. We're from the future coming back to the past to prevent you from making a terrible mistake of not listening to this episode which led you to being sad and miserable the rest of your life! So, join us as we discuss "The Terminator" (1984) and by doing so, you'll be happy and have a joyful rest of your life! We have lots to discuss about this time-traveling themed movie.
After we terminate our discussion on "The Terminator", we'll talk about a movie also from 1984 set during the holidays. But, this is far from your feel-good holiday movie. In fact, if you break one of the three rules given in the movie, you're pretty much guaranteed to ruin your holiday plans. Tune in to listen to our nostalgic memories of this movie in preparation for next week's episode.
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